Origins of Eugenics
E. Allen, Washington University
many people first learn about eugenics, they wonder how intelligent people,
including highly educated scientists, could have believed so many seemingly
bizarre ideas. How could anyone accept the simplistic notion that complex
human behaviors are determined by single genes or that mental tests designated
more than three/fourths of all Russian and Polish immigrants to the U.S.
as feebleminded?
understand why eugenics gained such a following in the first three decades
of the 20th century, one needs to examine the economic, social, and political
context in which it flourished. Science, or what is claimed to be science,
is a product of culture – like any other human activity. What seems in
hindsight to be naive or absurd, must have seemed reasonable in its own
era. This is especially true when scientific ideas are used to explain
social problems.
eugenics developed in the wake of turbulent economic and social problems
following the Civil War. The rapid growth of American industry, coupled
with the increased mechanization of agriculture, created the first major
migration away from farms, and cities expanded faster than adequate housing.
Wholesale exploitation of labor created militant labor union organizations.
Price fluctuations bankrupted many businesses and precipitated a series
of depressions, starting in 1873, and reoccurring about every decade through
the early 1900s. This further fueled labor unrest. The situation was made
worse by an ever-increasing tide of immigrants, mostly from southern and
eastern Europe, which peaked just before, and again after, World War I.
Darwinism had attempted to explain away social and economic inequalities
as the "survival of the fittest." However, by the turn of the century,
this simplistic idea had been turned on its head. A declining birthrate
among the wealthy and powerful indicated that the captains of industry
were, in fact, losing the struggle for existence. The working class not
only was organizing against them, but they were also outreproducing them.
At the same time, traditional approaches to solving the problems of the
urban poor – charity, social work, and religious institutions – were proving
of little help.
the new problems of industrialization demanded a change from laissez-faire
to managed capitalism – toward the increased role of government and planning
in the economic and social sphere. This new philosophy became known as
progressivism. Embedded in progressivism was the idea of scientific management
– long-range planning by university-trained experts. This new managerial
class became increasingly vital to the economic process. In a country
that had nurtured a reverence for invention, the use of scientific management
had a special appeal. Progressive reformers had a strong faith in science
as the cure-all that would herald in a new era of rational control of
both nature and human society. Under these conditions, it is not surprising
that the revelations of a new science of genetics gave birth to a new
science of social engineering – eugenics.
appeared to explain the underlying cause of human social problems – such
as pauperism, feeble-mindedness, alcoholism, rebelliousness, nomadism,
criminality, and prostitution – as the inheritance of defective germ plasm.
Eugenicists argued that society paid a high price by allowing the birth
of defective individuals who would have to be cared for by the state.
Sterilization of one defective adult could save future generations thousands
of dollars.
and their wealthy supporters also shared a mutual antipathy for political
radicalism and class struggle. They were alarmed by the increasing strength
of militant labor unions and the rise of the American socialist party,
especially after the success of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. These
movements were, to some extent, correctly judged to be associated with
immigrants from southern Europe, especially Italians, eastern Europeans,
and Jews. These new immigrants were seen as troublemakers, and the eugenicists
purported to have data showing that the problem was in their genes. The
solution to the problem was simple – selective immigration restriction.
was seen as a way to solve all of these combined problems because it placed
the cause in the defective germ plasm of individuals and ethnic groups,
and not in the structure of society itself. Eugenics used the cover of
science to blame the victims for their own problems. Eugenicists seemed
to have the weight of rigorous, quantitative, and thus scientific evidence
on their side. To those with economic and social power – and imbued with
the new spirit of scientific planning – eugenicists appeared to offer
a rational and efficient approach of treating social problems.
an era troubled by rapid and seemingly chaotic change, eugenics offered
the prospect of a planned, gradual, and smooth transition to a more harmonious
future. With its emphasis on planned breeding, eugenics provided the biological
counterpart to new theories of scientific control and rational management
in business. Just as a new group of professional managers was making a
place for itself in American economic life, eugenicists emerged as scientists
with a special expertise in the solution of perennial social problems.
Eugenics provided what seemed to offer an objective, scientific approach
to problems that previously had been cast almost wholly in subjective,
humanitarian terms. Whereas charity and state welfare had treated only
symptoms, eugenics promised to attack social problems at their roots.