in Eugenics Research
E. Allen, Washington University
A display
organized in 1926 by the American Eugenics Society showed a pedigree chart
of guinea-pig pelts, with the caption: "Human Mental, Moral and Physical
Traits Are Inherited in the Same Manner as Coat Color in Guinea Pigs."
From our vantage point in the 21st century, it is easy to look back and
dismiss such claims as naive. But how naive were they in the context of
the period 1910-1935? To answer this question, we must look at flaws in
eugenicists’ research methods, especially when they attempted to study
human mental, behavioral, and personality traits.
Difficulty of defining traits. Traits such as eye color, stature, and
blood group are easy to define and measure. Eugenicists, however, were
most interested in mental and behavioral traits – such as epilepsy, intelligence,
manic depression, feeblemindedness, alcoholism, and criminality. Not only
are such traits highly complex, but they are also subjectively defined.
This problem was recognized early on by critics, including geneticist
Thomas Hunt Morgan, who wrote in 1932: "The main difficulty is one of
definition... Accurate work in heredity can only be obtained when the
diagnosis of the elements [trait]…is known."
Reification is the tendency to treat complex traits – especially behaviors
– as if they were a single entity, stemming from a single cause. For example,
eugenicists treated intelligence as if it were an innate quality of the
brain that could be represented by a single factor. Morgan commented:
"It is commonly assumed that there is one, and only one, criterion of
intelligence – that we are speaking always of the same thing when we use
the word… In reality, our ideas are very vague on the subject." Later
experts recognized that there may be many "intelligences" – including
mechanical, quantitative, visual/spatial, verbal, and abstract.
Poor survey and statistical methods. Seldom was a eugenic researcher able
to personally interview family members going back more than two or three
generations, in order to determine who showed the trait under study. At
the time, few doctors and hospitals kept systematic medical records, so
pedigree information often was obtained by second-hand reporting or even
hearsay. Harry Laughlin, of the Eugenics Record Office, based many studies
solely on information obtained from subjects’ own (self-reported) answers
on questionnaires. Furthermore, Laughlin's conclusions were typically
biased by the manner in which he collected data. For example, in his testimony
before the congressional committee on immigration, Laughlin presented
data showing that the proportion of southern/eastern Europeans in prisons
and mental institutions was far greater than their proportion in the general
population. However, he "creatively" used statistics to falsely exaggerate
this claim. The institutional data was collected in 1921, during the peak
of southern/eastern European immigration, and primarily from the northeastern
states, where these populations were concentrated. However, the general
population data was taken from the 1910 census, when southern/eastern
Europeans were a much smaller part of the entire U.S. population. Laughlin's
use of these and other bogus statistics provided the "scientific" basis
for the Johnson Immigration Restriction Act (1924), which severely restricted
newcomers from southern and eastern Europe.
False quantification is the assumption that if you can produce a numerical
value (such as a score on an intelligence test) then it must be a valid
measure. For example, eugenicists argued that IQ tests were accurate and
culture-free measures of native intelligence – even though they contained
questions that were obviously dependent on cultural background and experience.
Tests were given under a wide variety of conditions, often by poorly trained
administrators and sometimes even in pantomime when the subjects spoke
no English. According to one set of IQ tests given to immigrants by Henry
H. Goddard, 83% of Jews, 80% of Hungarians, 79% of Italians, 87% of Russians
were classified as "feebleminded." Although most of these results were
later retracted, Goddard’s test had dire consequences for immigrants who
were returned home and for individuals who were consigned to mental institutions,
and sometimes sterilized.
Social and environmental influences. Eugenicists sought genetic explanations
of complex human traits to the virtual exclusion of other explanations.
However, family pedigrees are as much documents of social inheritance
as they are of biological inheritance. In addition to genes, families
members share customs, life styles, and health practices (including diet)
that can greatly affect the development of physical, intellectual and
emotional traits. For example, Charles Davenport explained lineages of
naval officers in terms of an inherited gene for thalassophilia, or "love
of the sea." He neglected the obvious explanation that seafaring fathers
had a strong influence on their sons' career choices. At the same time,
laboratory geneticists were beginning to recognize that most physical
and physiological traits are the product of interactions between genes
and the environment. For example, fruit flies of the same genotype showed
different phenotypes when raised at slightly different temperatures. Environmental
input was recognized as being even more influential on the development
of behavioral, personality and mental traits.
the mid-1930s, eugenics research came under increasing scrutiny, and independent
analysis revealed that most eugenic data were useless. A committee of
the American Neurological Association reported that "[The definitional
problem] invalidates, we believe, the earlier work which comes from Davenport,
Rosanoff and the American Eugenics School with its headquarters at Cold
Spring Harbor." According to an external visiting committee assembled
by the Carnegie Institution of Washington: "Some traits such as 'personality'
or 'character' lack precise definition or quantitative methods of measurement;
some traits such as 'sense of humor,' 'self respect', 'loyalty' or 'holding
a grudge' could seldom be known outside an individual's close friends
and associates…Even more objective characteristics, such as hair form
or eye color, become relatively worthless items of genetic data when recorded
by an untrained observer."
critiques, among other factors, prompted the Carnegie Institution to withdraw
its funding and permanently close down the ERO in December, 1939.