[stamp imprint]New York, N. Y. Sta G1 1939
(This side of the card is for address)
Dr. Albert F. Blakeslee
Cold Spring Harbor
Long Island, N.Y.
[reverse side]
You are cordially invited by the American Eugenics Society to a CONFERENCE ON THE RELATION OF EUGENICS AND THE CHURCH
Town Hall Club, 123 West 43rd Street, New York City
Monday Afternoon, May 8, 1939 - 3 to 5 P.M.
Program - to be followed by a Round Table Discussion.
Opening Statement - Dr. Albert E. Wiggam, Director of American Eugenics Society, Chairman.
The Pastor and Practical Eugenics, Rev. Charles Stanley Jones, Congregational Church, Burlington, Vermont.
The Catholic Church and Eugenics, Father Francis J. Connell, Mount Saint Alphonsus of Esopus, New York.
Religious Significance of Eugenics, Dr. Leland Foster Wood, Ph.D. Federal Council of Churches, New York City.
The Modern Jew Looks at Programs of Human Betterment, Rabbi Louis I. Newman, Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York.