Published photograph
- "Are three human beings ever exactly alike?"
- "Zebroids are a promising hybrid"
- "General view of exhibition hall (first floor)"
- Robert Wadlow, New York Times, giantism
- "Dwarf and related normal chickens"
- "Faces and Races" (from around the world)
- The Swedish Nation, "Folk and Race-Types" (Nordic, mixed-race, Finnish, Lapp, Lappic mixed-race, Walloon)
- Tenement dwellers, "How can they be helped?" Eugenics: A Journal of Race Betterment (vol II:8)
- "Syndactyly in the F__ Family," Eugenical News (vol. 15), fused fingers or toes -- later shown to be an autosomal dominant trait
- Francis Galton and Presidents of International Eugenics Congresses: Major L. Darwin, H. F. Osborn, C.B. Davenport, Eugenical News (vol. 17)
- "Composite Portraits of Scientific Men," by Francis Galton, Science (5/8/1885)
- "Illustrations of Composite Portraiture, The Jewish Type," by Francis Galton, The Photographic News (4/17/1885) with two original photographs
- Composite portraits showing "features common among men convicted of crimes of violence," by Francis Galton, with original photographs
- F.W. Hatch, from "The Progress of Eugenical Sterilization," by Paul Popenoe, Journal of Heredity (vol. 25:1)
- E.S. Gosney, from "The Progress of Eugenical Sterilization," by Paul Popenoe, Journal of Heredity (vol. 25:1)
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, from "The Progress of Eugenical Sterilization," by Paul Popenoe, Journal of Heredity (vol. 25:1)
- John Bell, from "The Progress of Eugenical Sterilization," by Paul Popenoe, Journal of Heredity (vol. 25:1)
- Carrie Buck, from "The Progress of Eugenical Sterilization," by Paul Popenoe, Journal of Heredity (vol. 25:1)
- Harry Sharp, from "The Progress of Eugenical Sterilization," by Paul Popenoe, Journal of Heredity (vol. 25:1)
- Joseph Mayer, from "The Progress of Eugenical Sterilization," by Paul Popenoe, Journal of Heredity (vol. 25:1)