- "The factors of evolution in man", course offered by Samuel Holmes at University of California, Berkeley
- "Eugenics seeks to improve the natural, physical, mental and tempermental qualities of the human family," Eugenics Record Office
- Eugenics Research Association 16th Annual Meeting
- National Committee for the Prevention of Blindness
- "An appeal to friends of Scandinavian immigration"
- Program of the 8th annual meeting of the American Breeders Association
- Minutes of the Eugenics Section, 8th annual meeting of the American Breeders Association, with resolution to organize immigration committeee
- The exhibit of the Third International Congress of Eugenics
- "Courses in eugenics, University of Pittsburgh"
- "Project of panamerican code on eugenics and homiculture," proposed by the Cuban delegation
- "Chief Amok: A Bantos head hunter, The story of myself and my people, Dreamland Circus and Side Show, Coney Island, N.Y."
- American Eugenics Party pamphlet detailing their views
- American Eugenics Party platform
- "The Story of My Life by Lionel, the Human Lion," about hypertrichosis
- A Century of Progress, International Exposition, Chicago -- brochure cover
- "Immigration quotas"
- Book reviews of White America by Ernest S. Cox
- "The New Family and Race Improvement," by W.A. Plecker, Virginia Health Bulletin (vol.17:12)
- Brochure advertising Mongrel Virginians, by Arthur H. Estabrook and Ivan E. McDougle
- "Indiana Society for Mental Hygiene Bulletin No. 7" (July 1920), statistics on mental illness and feeblemindedness in institutions around the U.S.
- American Eugenics Society, program for "Round Table Conferences and Annual Meeting," New York, 1936
- American Eugenics Society, dinner invitation, program including Albert Wiggam and Frederick Osborn, New York
- "Human Sterilization," Human Betterment Foundation
- "Effects of Eugenic Sterilization as Practiced in California," Human Betterment Foundation
- Directions for completing schedule for Karl Pearson Study on "Hereditary Transmission of Disease and Temperament"
- "Enquiry as to albinism in man," appeal for pedigrees by Karl Pearson, E. Nettleship, and Edward Stainer
- Advertising piece for The Problem of the Feeble-Minded, by the Poor Law Commissioners (preface and order form)
- Directions for responding to a survey on "Ethnological Enquiries on the Innate Character and Intelligence of Different Races," by Francis Galton
- Announcement for Louisiana State Congress of Mothers, with photo of 1909 Model Home