The Harry H. Laughlin Papers, Truman State University
- Man O' War, about horse genetics
- "Genetics of the Thoroughbred Horse: The relation between the number of furlongs raced and the mean speed per furlong"
- "Basic formula for the measurement of racing capacity in the thoroughbred horse"
- Pedigree of Man O' War, about horse genetics
- "Hereditary unsoundness of the Ultimus family," about horse genetics
- "Sons of Man O' War," about Horse Genetics
- Heredity of color in Anadalusian fowl, about chicken genetics
- "Illustrating Mendel's cross of yellow and green peas"
- "Present distribution of European races"
- "Cross sections of hairs of different races"
- "The chromosomes of man," by T.S. Painter
- Pedigree: "Osawatomie State Hospital: case no. 10240. Diagnosis: dementia precox, hebephrenic type"
- Francis Galton's definition of eugenics
- Brief instructions for charting (crib sheet for doing a human pedigree)
- Pedigree: "Why men grow short or tall"
- Pedigree: "Ancestral influence in the human female"
- Pedigree: "Ancestral influence in the human male"
- Pedigree: "A.B.W. family: musical, literary, and inventive ability"
- "The M_H_Pedigree" showing descendents of an insane man
- Pedigree: "A family with orthodactyly"
- "The effect of orthodactyly"
- Mixed race marriage, "Indian Kate"
- "A century of change in Hawaii's population," about immigration
- "Estimate of comparative natural intelligence of the total white and foreign-born population of the United States"
- "Approximate fecundity indices of American women by nativity for the decade 1910-1920," about immigration
- "Relative social inadequacy of the several nativity groups and immigrant groups of the U.S.: all types of social inadequacy"
- "Relative social inadequacy of the several nativity groups and immigrant groups of the U.S.: crime, dependency"
- "Relative social inadequacy of the several nativity groups and immigrant groups of the U.S.: epilepsy, tuberculosis"
- "Relative social inadequacy of the several nativity groups and immigrant groups of the U.S.: feeblemindedness, insanity"
- "Continental United States population per square mile: 1790-1920"
- "Rough or approximate comparability of scales for the measurement of natural intelliegence"
- Hawaiian-Chinese-Irish Family
- Mixed race Jamaican school children
- "Outcome of differential fecundity"
- "The general formula of heredity"
- "Long time physical and mental changes in 765 subjects of eugencial sterilization"
- "State criteria for legal eugenical sterilization"
- "Legislative status of eugenical sterilization in the several states of United States, January 1935"
- "State executive agency for carrying out eugenical sterilization"
- "Legislative status of eugenical sterilization in the United States"
- "Cumulative record of operations for eugenical sterilization in the United States from 1907-1935"
- "Poles at Ellis Island"
- "Chart IV: proportion of intermarriage among men and women of various nationalities in New York City 1908-1912"
- Aerial view of Ellis Island
- Aerial view of lower Manhattan and Ellis Island
- "The near blood kin of a feebleminded woman sterilized by the state of California"
- "Family-stock of a woman sterilized by the state of Maine"
- "Date on which each State inaugurated its eugenical sterilization law"
- Sir Francis Galton
- Animal House, Carnegie Station for Experimental Evolution, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.
- "Case I: 2 homozygous brown eyed parents will have 100% homozygous brown eyed children"
- Gregor Mendel's garden
- Pedigree:" Osawatomie State Hospital: case no. 11491. Diagnosis: manic depressive, manic type"
- Pedigree:" Osawatomie State Hospital: case no. 9378. Diagnosis: manic depressive"
- " Osawatomie State Hospital: case no. 12198. Diagnosis: psychosis with Huntington's chorea"
- "America the melting pot"
- Pedigree:" Osawatomie State Hospital: case no. 10246. Diagnosis: psychosis with Huntington's chorea"
- "Eugenical classification of the human stock"
- Eugenics Record Office, lantern slide
- Eugenics Record Office, board of scientific directors and functions
- "Adjudged the most perfect baby in the Panama Canal Zone"
- Archives at the Eugenics Record Office
- "State institutions making special provisions for the feebleminded -- 1917"
- "State institutions making special provisions for epileptics -- 1917"
- Census of "Inmates of institutions of the United States"
- "Means proposed for cutting off the flow of human defectives and degenerates"
- "Eugenics sterilization legislation in the United States -- Oct. 1913"
- "Working out of the segregation and sterilization program"
- "Group of girls who live in Oriskany Falls Colony and work in the knitting mill"
- "Kossuth Boys' Colony -- boys working about the city of Rome"
- "Variation in skin-pigmentations among Jamaicans"
- "Race mixture in Jamaica"
- Pedigree of race mixing from Monacque, Jamaica
- "Mendelian inheritance of eye color in man"
- "Case II: homozygous brown eyed parent and heterozygous brown eyed parent will have..."
- "Case III: one homozygous brown eyed parent and one homozygous blue eyed parent will have 100% heterozygous brown eyed children"
- "Case IV: two heterozygous brown eyed parents will have 25% homozgyous brown eyed, 50% heterozygous brown eyed and 25% homozygous blue eyed children"
- "Case V: one heterozygous brown eyed and one homozygous blue eyed parent will have 50% heterozygous brown eyed and 50% homozygous blue eyed children"
- "Inherited characters in man"
- Traits showing dominance in F1 and segregation in F2
- Sex-linked traits
- "Probably Mendelian" and "Clearly Hereditary" traits
- "Distribution of blue eye color" in the United States
- "Average dimensions for white and colored races"
- "Comparative stature and measurements for white and colored soldiers"
- "Weight measurement special diseases in relation to the average, inducted men,"
- "Pedigree of color blindness"
- "Fragment of Dwight family: inherited scholarship"
- "A famous American family of geniuses. Traits displayed -- 1. Mechnical skill 2. Artistic temperament"
- "Wilkinson-mechanical genius -- especial natural mechanical ability"
- "Kallikak family of New Jersey -- normal line vs. degenerate line"
- "Pedigree of the Caesars," about the close relatedness of the Caesars
- "Half-breeds in North America"
- Theodore Roosevelt Jr. and his daughter Grace. (Showing the hereditary Roosevelt smile)
- "Pedigree of a neurotic ..."
- Huntington's chorea pedigree
- "Family group from a long-settled valley where much consanguineous marriage has taken place"
- "Pedigree of family with color blindness. (Sex limited)."
- "A North Dakota dwarf and his sister"
- A group of feeble-minded persons.
- "Most immediate blood-kin of Carrie Buck. Showing illegitimacy and hereditary feeblemindedness."
- A group photo of circus acts (Congress of Freaks, Ringling Brothers Circus).
- Two boys with polydactyly.
- "Italians (mother and daughter)"
- "Young Russian Jewess. Accidental Mona Lisa pose found among the race-type pictures," to illustrate racial types.
- "The average American male", by Jane Davenport
- Distribution of vertex height of Mongolians vs. Englishmen
- Vertex height of female Mongolians vs. college women
- Chicken coops and first hybrid corn (behind) at Carnegie Station for Experimental Evolution, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.
- Research and administration building under construction at the Carnegie Station for Experimental Evolution, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.
- Director's residence, The Biologocial Laboratory and Carnegie Station for Experimental Evolution, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.
- Canaries in research and administration building of Carnegie Station for Experimental Evolution, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.
- Carnegie Station for Experimental Evolution, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.
- "Racial mixture in royal families" (Swedish)
- "Composite -- group of Irish high school students," composite portrait in the style of Francis Galton
- "Mixed types of uncivilized peoples," about racial mixing
- "Faces and Races" (from around the world)
- "German-Irish mixture," composite portrait in the style of Franics Galton
- "German group," composite portrait in the style of Francis Galton
- "Politicians and statemen in Sweden"
- Second generation Negro-White family, Bermuda
- A Century of Progress, International Exposition, Chicago -- brochure cover
- C. M. Goethe letter to J. Eddy, about German collection of eugenic data
- "P. G," about German eugenics
- C. M. Goethe letter about French and German eugenics laws
- H. Laughlin's letter to C. Holmgren recommending C. Davenport for Nobel Prize
- A. Johnson letter to H. Laughlin about presenting prison data before Committee on Immigration
- "America for Americans: Radio address of Hon. Martin Dies of Texas," May 6, 1935, about deportation
- Martin Dies form letter response to supporters of his radio address on deportation
- C. M. Goethe letter to the Press about high Mexican birthrates, includes quote: "Peons multiply like rabbits"
- H. Laughlin letter to Hon. L. Douglas, about census bill and necessary ammendments
- H. Laughlin document to Hon. L. Douglas, "A needed amendment to Census Bill: 1929"
- Eugenics exhibit with tree, 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- Bust of C. Davenport, 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- Busts of C. Darwin and F. Galton, 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- Exhibit on intelligence tests of immigrants, 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- General view of pedigree exhibit on T. Roosevelt, G. Washington, A. Lincoln, 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- "Pedigree of Galton-Darwin-Wedgwood family," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- Pedigree exhibit: "Family stock of G. Washington," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- Pedigree exhibit: "Abraham Lincoln: family-stock study," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- Pedigree exhibit: "The near-kin of Theodore Roosevelt," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- Pedigree exhibit: "The Edison family," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- South African Negroes, 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- "White Indians of Panama," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- "Anti-miscegenation laws of the several States: 1932," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- Kaiser Wilhelm Institute exhibit on population studies in Germany, 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- "Race descent: American statesmen," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- "Inventiveness by racial stock in the United States" and "Race Descent of the Population of the United States," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- "Crime and race descent," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- "Eugenical sterilization," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- Kaiser Wilhelm Institute twin study, 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- "Heredity of the eye," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- "Taste Thresholds," Albert Blakeslee PTC tasting exhibit, 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- Exhibit on the sense of elegance in fur feeling, 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- "The intelligence test ability of immigrants," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- T. S. Painter's exhibit "Chromosomes in man," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- Pedigree exhibit: "The manner of inheritance of recessive trait. Actual pedigrees of albinism," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- "The manner of inheritance of a sex-linked trait. Actual pedigree of hemophilia," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- Pedigree exhibit: "The Hapsburg lip," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- Pedigree exhibit: "A study on susceptibility to ivy poisoning," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- Pedigree exhibit: "Alcoholism and heredity," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- Pedigree exhibit: "Family showing strong tendency to manic depressive insanity," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- Letchworth Village "freak show", 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- "Mental disorders in twins," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- "A good pedigree: improvement in number of eggs," in chickens, 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- "Maturation of sperm cells," 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- "Mechanism of Mendelian heredity," model of recombination, 3rd International Eugenics Conference
- L.C. Dunn letter to President Merriam, about eugenics in the U. S. and in Germany
- "Laboratory work of eugenics class," field worker notes
- "Qualities desired in a eugenical field worker"
- "Schedule and apparatus for Binet test"
- Syllabus of lectures given to field workers
- Harry H. Laughlin
- "Staff and members -- Dept. of Genetics, C. I. of W., May 12, 1934," Carnegie Institute of Washington, including C.B. Davenport and H.H. Laughlin
- H. Laughlin draft of letter to Carniegie Insitution of Washington President J.C. Merriam, defending his lobbying for immigration restriction in Cuba
- "Relaxing quotas for exiles fought" and "Science and immgration," New York Times, May 4 and August 12, 1934 (Laughlin against exemptions for Jews)
- Handwritten cover to Congressional testimony 1920-24, about immigration
- "Biological aspects of immigration," Harry H. Laughlin testimony before the House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization
- "Analysis of America's Modern Melting Pot," Harry H. Laughlin testimony before the House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization
- "Europe as an emigrant-exporting continent," Harry H. Laughlin testimony before the House Committee, including Immigration Restriction Act
- G. von Hoffmann letter to H. Laughlin in praise of his goals on sterilization
- "Researches on crime in relation to nativity," Laughlin's research for the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization
- "Clinic in human heredity" proposal by H. Laughlin
- "Sample clinical cases" that can be used in eugenics research
- Letter asking about heredity of cleft lip and palate
- H. Laughlin letter in response to question about heredity of cleft lip and palate
- H.S. Jennings letter to Science, about H. Laughlin's work on immigration
- I. Fisher letter to H. Laughlin about E. Cheever's attack on Laughlin's analysis on immigration
- H. Laughlin's letter to I. Fisher in response to E. Cheever's criticisms of Laughlin's views on immigration
- C. Davenport letter to L. Barker about E. Cheever's criticisms of H. Laughlin's views on immigration
- Rep. A. Johnson cable to H. Laughlin about appointing him as an agent of immigration
- "Classification standards," by Harry H. Laughlin
- "Racial and diagnostic records of inmates of state institutions"
- H. Harley correspondence with H. Laughlin about people who have been disqualified for suretyship on criminal bonds
- Tesla letter to H. Laughlin about his genius pedigree
- H. Laughlin's hand-written pedigree of the Tesla family
- The Senate is still Nordic," about how the decision-makers in the Senate are still those of Nordic descent
- "Delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787"
- C. Davenport letter to Babbott, author of "The Senate is Still Nordic"
- "Melting Pot Dross Takes Fifth of Tax Dollar," The Dearborn Independent (7/28/1923)
- "Table: of sterilizations done in state institutions under state laws up to and including the year 1940"
- Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, research study on immigration
- Browning Arms Company letter to H. Laughlin about research study on immigration
- W. Williams letter to H. Laughlin about research study on immigration
- H. Laughlin response to W. Williams about the research study on immigration
- G. Howard letter to H. Laughlin about research study on immigration
- "Alien ancestry of inventors is studied by U.S."
- "Inventor's foreign ancestry studied," Baltimore Evening Sun
- H. Laughlin letter to O. Underwood, about European racial descent of Underwood
- H. Laughlin letter to Senator Ernst, about Ernst's failure to respond to Senator survey
- Data for Lawrence Phipps, in response to H. Laughlin's study on racial descent of U.S. senators
- Tabulation of U.S. Senators' European background
- C. Bruce letter to H. Laughlin objecting to the racial descent study of U.S. senators
- H. Laughlin response to C. Bruce's objections to the racial descent study of U.S. senators
- H. Laughlin's letter to Baltimore Sun about getting data on C. Bruce for racial descent study of U.S. senators
- "Immigration quotas"
- "Index of inventiveness"
- H. Laughlin letter to C. Schneider acknowledging honorary degree from the University of Heidelberg
- German letter from Heidelberg about H. Laughlin's honorary degree
- Invitation to Harry Laughlin to attend the 550th Jubilee of University of Heidelberg (at which he was conferred an honorary degree).
- "Researches on immigration," by H. Laughlin
- Harry Laughlin and Charles Davenport outside new Eugenics Record Office (ERO)building
- H. Laughlin's report card from First District Normal School (now Truman State University), Kirksville, Missouri
- H. Laughlin's graduate school report from Iowa State College
- "Nazis open race bureau for eugenic segregation," New York Tribune, May 4, 1933
- Newspaper clipping about H. Laughlin's honorary degree from the University of Heidelberg