University College, London
- K. Pearson cover letter for study on "Hereditary Transmission of Disease and Temperment" (version 1)
- Karl Pearson cover letter for study on "Hereditary Transmission of Disease and Temperment" (version 2)
- Directions for completing schedule for Karl Pearson Study on "Hereditary Transmission of Disease and Temperament"
- "Schedule for the Hereditary Transmission of Special Diseases," completed for Karl Pearson study
- Mary Dendy letter to Karl Pearson, about difficulties in collecting pedigree data and interpreting disease traits in "defective children" (12/9/1906)
- "The Feeble Minded," by Mary Dendy, Economic Review (July 1903)
- Mary Dendy letter to Karl Pearson, about case of "Alfred D. aged 18 Feeble-minded" whose only work is "holding pigs whilst they are slaughtered"
- Mary Dendy letter to Karl Pearson, follow-up on definition of feeble-mindedness with reference to British eugenic legislation (12/5/1912)
- Mary Dendy letter to Karl Pearson, about definitions and confusing terms used to grade feeble-mindedness (12/5/1912)
- Isaac Costa letter to Karl Pearson, about race mixing in Jamaica with reference to mulatto "just under your nose" (10/3/1908)
- Issac Costa letter to Karl Pearson, with observations of race mixing in Jamaica provided his friend, "a relative of Florence Nightingale" (11/17/1908)
- Jamaica race mixing photo set provided by Isaac Costa, with Karl Pearson's handwritten instructions for publication in Biometrika (vol. 6:4)
- "Theory of Ancestral Contributions in Heredity," handwritten manuscript by Karl Pearson, published in Proceedings of the Royal Society (vol. 81:547)
- "Albinism in Man: A Monograph (Part 1)," handwritten manuscript by Karl Pearson, with E. Nettleship and C.H. Usher, published in 1911
- Albino wallaby, with Karl Pearson's handwritten captions and instructions for publication in "Albinism in Man" (1913)
- Albino monkey, with Karl Pearson's handwritten captions and instructions for publication in "Albinism in Man" (1911)
- "Enquiry as to albinism in man," appeal for pedigrees by Karl Pearson, E. Nettleship, and Edward Stainer
- Normal and albino human eyes, for publication in "Albinism in Man," by K. Pearson, E. Nettleship, and C.H. Usher (1911)
- Study skins of normal and albino birds, for publication in "Albinism in Man," by K. Pearson, E. Nettleship, and C.H. Usher (1911)
- Albino hares, for publication in "Albinism in Man," by K. Pearson, E. Nettleship, and C.H. Usher (1911)
- Announcement for "Biometrika, A Journal for the Statistical Study of Biological Problems," established by Karl Pearson
- Biometrika abstracts (vol. 6:4), including Karl Pearson's note on Jamaica race mixing based on observations provided by Isaac Costa
- "Will of Francis Galton, dated 14 Feb. 1830," created two days before his eighth birthday and witnessed by family members
- Francis Galton's graph of his own body temperature during an illness, including notes on symptoms and sleeping
- Francis Galton's comparison of his own physical characteristics with those of W.E. Gladstone (British Member of Parliament and Prime Minister)
- Anthropometry card of Francis Galton, with profile and full-face photos and spaces for key body measurements, taken by Alphonse Bertillon
- Anthropometry card of Alphonse Bertillon, who originated this criminal identification system of profile and full-face photos and key body measurements
- Francis Galton's right hand print
- Francis Galton's fingerprints with handwritten notes
- Francis Galton's wax finger impression
- Francis Galton's silhouette
- "A Diagram of Heredity," by Francis Galton, Nature (vol. 57:1474)
- Review of Hereditary Genius, The Times (1/7/1870)
- Review of Hereditary Genius, Nature (3/17/1870)
- Review of Hereditary Genius, The Spectator (11/27/1869)
- Hereditary Genius: An Enquiry into Its Laws and Consequences (2nd ed.), by Francis Galton, selected pages
- "Curves showing the ages at death among different classes of highly eminent men," from Francis Galton's notes for Hereditary Genius
- Francis Galton's rough-bound notes for biographies in Hereditary Genius, selected pages including Aristotle and Francis Bacon
- Francis Galton carte de visite portrait, seated
- Francis Galton carte de visite portrait, standing
- Pedigree data collected according to Franics Galton's Record of Family Faculties (1884)
- Record of Family Faculties, by Francis Galton (compiled with completed family pedigree forms), selected pages
- K. Bathurst letter to Francis Galton, about family records (10/12/1895)
- Advertising piece for The Problem of the Feeble-Minded, by the Poor Law Commissioners (preface and order form)
- Eugenics Education Society letter to Francis Galton, about efforts to lobby Parliament for segregation of defectives in the Poor Law (12/11/1909)
- Directions for responding to a survey on "Ethnological Enquiries on the Innate Character and Intelligence of Different Races," by Francis Galton
- "A Practicable Eugenic Suggestion," by W. McDougal about incentives for positive eugenics
- Anthropometric measurements of the human profile, Francis Galton notebook
- Charles Davenport letter to Francis Galton, requesting a reference for his proposal for the Station for Experimental Evolution (10/14/1902)
- Charles Davenport letter to Francis Galton, about opening the Eugenics Record Office and the debt to him as founder of eugenics (10/26/1910)
- Handwritten proposal for issuing "eugenic certificates" to physically and mentally superior men aged 23-30, by Francis Galton
- W. Bateson letter to F. Galton, asking him to read Mendel's
"remarkable investigations" and confirming work by Tschermak and de Vries(8/9/1900)
- Manuscript of the "Eugenic College of Kantsaywhere," by Francis Galton (title page and page with a definition of "genetic")
- F. Galton letter to his cousin Edward, asking him to review his manuscript of "Kantysaywhere" and pass it on to Karl Pearson
- Overview of Francis Galton's collection of fingerprint cards, showing ethnic labels (Jews, Welsh, English, Negro)
- Francis Galton's handwritten analysis of fingerprints of Jewish boys from Tavistock House and Hanway Street School
- Francis Galton's fingerprint cards of Jewish males, Tavistock House and Hanway Street School (5/1891)
- Handprint taken by Francis Galton
- "Report on the work of the Francis Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics, February1908-June 1909"
- Minutes of Eugenics Records Office (London) Advisory Meeting (10/30/1905)
- Charles Davenport letter to Karl Pearson, defending roles of mutation and environment in evolution in paper rejected by Biometrika (6/5/1903)
- Charles Davenport letter to Karl Pearson, emphasizing his break with Bateson and De Vries on environmentally induced mutations (7/7/1903)
- Raymond Pearl letter to Karl Pearson, about disagreement on hereditary theory and his removal as an editor of Biometrika (2/15/1910)
- Raymond Pearl letter to Karl Pearson, discussion of conflict between biometrical and experimental approaches to study heredity (3/12/1910)
- W.P. Heningham letter to E. Nettleship, about inheritance of human disorders and sex determination, with references to Bateson and Garrod (11/28/1904)
- Charles (Galton) Darwin letter Karl Pearson, lighthearted analysis by Darwin's grandson of the eugenic effects of his arranged marriage (10/17/1926)
- Ida Darwin letter to Karl Pearson about definition of mental defectiveness for Mental Deficiency Act before Parliament (12/5/1912)
- Leonard Darwin letter to Karl Pearson expressing hope for future cooperation in spite of their "divergent aims" in eugenics (1/14/1914)
- L. Darwin letter to K. Pearson about argument over publications (8/31/1916)
- Leonard Darwin letter to Karl Pearson about disagreement over a mathematical realtionship between stature and environment (9/11/1916)
- Leonard Darwin letter to Karl Pearson resigning from Galton Committee to maintain peace in the face of their ongoing disagreements (2/15/1917)
- "The Patterns in Thumb and Finger Marks," by Francis Galton, Phil. Trans. Royal Society (vol. 182), selected pages
- "Studies in National Eugenics," by Francis Galton, subjects for eugenics inquiry communicated at meeting of Sociological Society (2/14/1905)
- "On the Anthropometric Laboratory at the late International Health Exhibition," by Francis Galton
- "Method of Indexing Finger-Marks," by Francis Galton
- "Composite Portraits," by Francis Galton
- "The Patterns in Thumb and Finger Marks," by Francis Galton (abstract for Fellows at the meeting of the Royal Society)
- "Nomenclature and Tables of Kinship," by Francis Galton, an appeal for comments on his survey of heredity, Nature (vol. 69:1787)
- Francis Galton letter to William Bateson, commenting that knowledge of heredity would be of little practical help to eugenics progress (6/12/1904)
- "Mental Deficiency Pedigree," a multigenerational study of a rural family by the British National Association for the Feebleminded
- Alphonse Bertillon's measurement card, done according to his own system for criminal anthropometry
- "Composite Portraits of Scientific Men," by Francis Galton, Science (5/8/1885)
- "Illustrations of Composite Portraiture, The Jewish Type," by Francis Galton, The Photographic News (4/17/1885) with two original photographs
- "Composite of the portraits of six members of the same family. By F. Galton. 1882."
- Composite portraits showing "features common among men convicted of crimes of violence," by Francis Galton, with original photographs
- "The Tichborne Blended Photographs," of Sir Roger Tichborne and man who claimed to be Tichborne
- "Likenesses of 6 different Roman Ladies and the composite of them in the centre" (from coins), by Francis Galton
- Lionel Penrose letter to Lancelot Hogben about early results from his Colchester survey suggesting non-hereditary factors in mental illness (7/19/32)
- Lancelot Hogben letter to Lionel Penrose congratulating him on his Colchester survey as "prettiest story in genetics of mental conditions"
- "Is Our National Intelligence Declining?" L.S. Penrose, Opening Session of 5th Biennial Conference on Mental Health (1/12/39)
- "Is our national intelligence declining? The genetic point of view." L.S. Penrose
- "Intelligence of Nation Said to be Declining: Sterilization No Remedy," Daily Telegraph and Morning Post (1/13/1939)
- "Britain Getting Less Brainy: Experts' Warning," News Chronicle (12/1/1939)