University of Albany, SUNY
- Callie Black (pseudonym) of the Win Tribe, from Arthur Estabrook's scrapbook of field photographs from Amherst County, Virginia
- Susan Brown (pseudonym) from Arthur Estabrook's scrapbook of field photographs from Amherst County, and corresponding entry in Mongrel Virginians
- Field work for Mongrel Virginians in Amherst County, Virginia, Arthur Estabrook's scrapbook
- "The Investigators," Ivan E. McDougle and assistants (Gwendolyn Watson, Martha Lobingier, Eleanor Harned), in Amherst County, Virginia
- Dick Johnson (pseudonym) of the Win Tribe, from Arthur Estabrook's scrapbook of field photographs from Amherst County, Virginia
- "Triple Mixtures" (Caucasian-Indian-Negro) in Robeson County, North Carolina, from from Arthur Estabrook's scrapbook of field photographs
- "Dr. Crispell of Hurley, N.Y., who helped Dugdale in his study and source of most of his disease, etc., information. AHE"
- Field work for The Jukes in 1915, Arthur Estabrook photographs from Ulster County, New York
- Prison mug shot of VII20 and corresponding entry in Estabrook's typescript "The Jukes Data" (photo laid in Estabrook's copy of R. Dugdale's The Jukes)
- Prison mug shot of VI153 and corresponding entry in Estabrook's typescript "The Jukes Data" (photo laid in Estabrook's copy of R. Dugdale's The Jukes)
- Prison mug shot of V265 and corresponding entry in Estabrook's typescript "The Jukes Data" (photo laid in Estabrook's copy of R. Dugdale's The Jukes)
- Carrie and Emma Buck at the Virginia Colony for Epileptics and Feebleminded, taken by A.H. Estabrook the day before the Buck v. Bell trial in Virginia
- Vivian Buck and foster mother Alice Dobbs in Charlottesville, taken by A.H. Estabrook the day before the Buck v. Bell trial in Virginia
- I. McDougle letter to A. Estabrook, about research on mixed race marriages for Mongrel Virginians (5/3/1924)
- W. Plecker letter to anonymous, warning that registry of mixed race families would be scrutinized under the Viriginia Racial Integrity Act (7/29/1924)
- W. Plecker letters to A. Estabrook, about court case of a Colored woman who attempted to "pass for white" on marriage license (8/29/1924, 9/9/1924)
- I. McDougle letter to A. Estabrook, about new studies of race mixing in Virginia and need to rush publication of their own work (7/5/1925)
- Book reviews of White America by Ernest S. Cox
- "The New Virginia Law to Preserve Racial Integrity," by W. A. Plecker, Virginia Health Bulletin (vol. 16:2)
- "The New Family and Race Improvement," by W.A. Plecker, Virginia Health Bulletin (vol.17:12)
- "Registration of Birth and Color," State of Virginia form
- "Degenerate Family Cost State Heavily," about rediscovery of Dugdale's charts of real names of Jukes family members (1/18/1912)
- "Plecker Aroused by Blow Aimed at Racial Law," NAACP criticism of W. Plecker's "propaganda" pamphlets, Richmond Times Dispatch (3/31/1925)
- "State Registrar Plecker Comments on Criticism [by JAMA editor] of Virginia's Effort to Enforce Racial Integrity Law," The Richmond News Leader
- Brochure advertising Mongrel Virginians, by Arthur H. Estabrook and Ivan E. McDougle
- Critical review of Mongrel Virginians ("A really absurd and useless book"), by Abraham Myerson, Annals of the American Academy
- Critcal review of Mongrel Virginians, by Abraham Myerson, Mental Hygiene
- "Sterilization of Defectives, Aim," report on Buck v. Bell Supreme Court Decision, Richmond Courier Journal (5/26/1927)
- A. Strode letter to H. Laughlin, requesting a deposition on hereditary feeblmindedness for the trial of Carrie Buck in Amherst, Virginia (9/30/1924)
- A. Strode letter to A. Estabrook, plans for making "preliminary investigations" prior to testifying at the Carrie Buck trial (1/6/1924)
- Mongrel Virginians: The Win Tribe, by A.H. Estabrook and I.E. McDougle, typescript corresponding to pp16-19 of book, w/ hand-written pseudonyms
- Mongrel Virginians: The Win Tribe, by A.H. Estabrook and I.E. McDougle, introduction of Estabrook's copy with added keys to pseudonyms
- "The New Decalogue of Science," by Albert Edward Wiggam
- Prison mug shot of Edgar (V428) and corresponding entry in The Jukes in 1915, by A.H. Estabrook (photo laid in copy of R. Dugdale's The Jukes)
- The Jukes in 1915, by Arthur H. Estabrook, selected pages
- "A Quarter of a Century's Experience in Sterilization of Mental Defectives in California," by F.O. Butler, Amer. Journ. Mental Deficiency (vol 49:4)
- The Nam Family, by A. Estabrook and C. Davenport, pedigree of V470 (p. 18) and corresponding field portraits from back of Estabrook's copy
- The Nam Family, by A. Estabrook and C. Davenport, pedigree of V87, V127, V155 (p. 21) and corresponding field portraits from back of Estabrook's copy
- The Nam Family, by A. Estabrook and C. Davenport, pedigree of V106-V109 (p. 26) and corresponding field portraits from back of Estabrook's copy
- The Nam Family: A Study in Cacogenics (Eugenics Record Office Memoir No. 2), by A.H. Estabrook and C.B. Davenport, introduction and early history
- "Indiana Society for Mental Hygiene Bulletin No. 7" (July 1920), statistics on mental illness and feeblemindedness in institutions around the U.S.
- Interview on race mixing for Mongrel Virginians, by Ivan McDougle and Gwendolyn Watson (April 24, 1924)
- The Nam Family, by A. Estabrook and C. Davenport, field photographs and portraits with pedigree numbers from back of Estabrook's copy
- The Nam Family, by A. Estabrook and C. Davenport, field photographs and portraits with pedigree numbers from back of Estabrook's copy.
- "This Boy Needs Care," S.C.A.A. News, item about feebleminded boy in pedigree VI422-VI133, from back of Estabrook's copy of The Nam Family
- Irving Fisher, T.H. Morgan, and Alexander Graham Bell at Eugenics Record Office Board Meeting, April 10, 1915, Eugenical News (vol. 14:8)
- "Alexander Graham Bell as Chairman of the Board of Scientific Directors of the Eugenics Record Office," Eugenical News (vol. 14:8)
- "Amount of Negro and Other Colored Blood Illegal in Various States for Marriage to Whites: 1929," by W.A. Plecker, Eugenical News (vol. 14:8)
- "Stimulating Public Interest in the Feeble-Minded," by E.R. Johnstone (address to the National Conferenceof Charities and Correction, 1916)
- O.F. Lewis (NY Prison Association) letter to A.H. Estabrook, congratulating him on the publication of The Jukes in 1915 (10/26/1916)
- G. Hall (NY State Board of Charities) letter to A.H. Estabrook, about The Jukes in 1915 and genetic vs. environmental causes of pauperism (1/30/1917)
- E.R. Evans (Child Placing Agency) letter to A. Estabrook, about the Nam lineage of an adopted child (1/31/1917)
- A. Estabrook response to E.R. Evans, about the "possible inheritance of eroticism" in adopted child VI 89 of the Nam lineage (2/17/1917)
- E.R. Evans letter to A. Estabrook, providing information about the Nam family child placed in foster care (2/14/1917)
- The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeble-Mindedness, by Henry Herbert Goddard, selected pages
- "The Tribe of Ishmael," by Arthur H. Estabrook, in Eugenics, Genetics and the Family (vol. 1)