American Philosophical Society
- Harry H. Laughlin, Superintendent of Eugenics Record Office, Cold Spring Harbor; President, American Eugenics Society, 1928-29
- Harry H. Laughlin, Superintendent of Eugenics Record Office, Cold Spring Harbor; President, American Eugenics Society 1928-29
- Charles B. Davenport, Director of Biological Laboratory, Carnegie Department of Genetics and Eugenics Record Office, Cold Spring Harbor
- Harry Olson, Board of Directors, American Eugenics Society; Chief Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago
- Flashing light exhibit at Fitter Families Contests
- Eugenics Exhibit: Differential birth rates indicated by flashing light display (at Michigan Fitter Family Contest)
- Guinea pigs showing color inheritance, Fitter Families exhibit
- "Flashing light sign used with small exhibits," Fitter Families Contest
- Flashing light sign exhibit, Fitter Families Contest
- "Mendel's Theatre" showing inheritance of hair color, demonstrated by Leon Fradley Whitney
- Fitter Families exhibit and examination building, Kansas State Free Fair, Topeka
- "Eugenic and Health Exhibit," Fitter Families exhibit and examination building, Kansas State Free Fair
- Fitter Families exhibit and examination building, Kansas State Free Fair, Topeka
- Kansas State Free Fair, Topeka, Fitter Families Contest examining staff and "sweepstakes" winning family
- Fitter Families exhibit/exam tent, Eastern States Exposition, Springfield, Massachusetts
- Eastern States Exposition, Springfield, Massachusetts, boys looking at flashing light sign
- Examining staff for the Fitter Families Contest at Michigan State Fair. Leon F. Whitney (center) and Mary T. Watts (standing, third from right).
- Mary T. Watts, American Eugenics Society, Chairman of the Education Committee and founder of the Fitter Families Contests
- Mary T. Watts, founder of the Fitter Families Contest with superintendent of the contest at the Eastern States Exposition, Springfield, MA
- Florence Brown Sherbon and Mary T. Watts, founders of the Fitter Families Contest, with Leon F. Whitney at Kansas State Free Fair
- Fitter Families Contest at Michigan State Fair
- Average Family Winner, Fitter Family Contest, Eastern States Exposition
- "Large family" winner, Fitter Families Contest, Eastern States Exposition, Springfield, MA (1925)
- "Small family" winner, Fitter Families Contest, Eastern States Exposition, Springfield, MA (1925)
- 4-H Girls Club, "Winners in preliminary contest with examiners" (including Mary T. Watts), Anderson County, IA
- "Large family" winner, Fitter Families Contest, Texas State Fair (1925)
- "Best couple" with trophy, Fitter Families Contest, Texas State Fair (1925)
- "Large family" honorable mention, Fitter Families Contest, Kansas State Free Fair, Topeka
- “Yea, I have a goodly heritage,” Fitter Families Contest medal given to families scoring B+ or better
- "Medium family" winner, Fitter Families Contest, Kansas State Free Fair (1927)
- "Four generations at Fitter Families Contest"
- Student report and Eugenics Record Office Family Tree Folder on "sinisterity" (left-handedness)
- Student study of inheritance of musical ability, including pedigree
- "Family-tree folder: Players of musical instruments"
- "Single-trait sheet: Musical ability"
- "Family-tree folder: Dressmakers"
- "Single-trait sheet: Skill in needlework"
- Student study of inheritance of an interest in carpentry
- Questions for a study of heredity in twins
- A.L. Treadwell, Vassar College, letter to Eugenics Record Office, about student pedigree of deafness and insanity ("queerness")
- Field worker report on dementia praecox (schizophrenia) at King's Park Hospital, by Laura Teitelbaum
- Eugenics Record Office, field-worker's monthly report
- "What Chance Have You To Marry?," by Fred Kelly, Ladies Home Journal
- Study of mate preferences
- Married vs. unmarried life preferences
- C. Davenport letter to W.G. Stonesifer, about four brothers marrying four sisters, including newspaper article
- Karl Pearson review of R.H. Johnson paper submitted to Nature
- Student report on the heredity of longevity, example 1
- Student report on the heredity of longevity, example 2
- Student report on the heredity of longevity, example 3
- Family tree folder recording inheritance of longevity
- "Cousin Marriage," student report
- "Consanguinity," student report, example 1
- "Consanguinity," student report, example 2
- "Human pedigrees detailing inheritance of specific biological traits: Inheritance of musical talent," Eugenics Section, American Breeders Association
- "Family History of Louise Homer: Inheritance of musical talent" pedigree, family history, and newspaper photograph
- "Heredity Criminality and its Certain Cure," by Warren Foster, Pearson's Magazine
- Case study of Buster, 10-month old "offspring of crime and insanity," cover letter and photos documenting his rehabilitation over 10 years
- Form for studying inheritance of pauperism and criminality
- Student exercise on Jukes family
- A. Estabrook letter to H. Laughlin about Jukes pedigree
- "Posterity of Ada Juke: Analysis of pedigree of inheritance of shiftlessness," (partial)
- Family tree folder recording inheritance of mathematical and musical ability
- Family tree folder recording inheritance of asthma
- "A family with cancer. Mother and six children died of cancer," pedigree and family history of stomach cancer
- British House of Commons Bill on Inebriates, inscribed to H. Laughlin
- Family-tree folder recording inheritance of allergies, longevity, civic leadership, and other traits
- Single-trait sheet recording inheritance of "civic leadership, combined with religious leadership"
- Single-trait sheet recording inheritance of "allergies (eczema, asthma, skin disruptions, etc.)"
- Single-trait sheet recording inheritance of longevity
- "Data collected by Miss Devitt, May and Nov. 1915," Eugenics Records Office fieldworker
- "Jukes: Information collected by M. T. Curial" for A.H. Estabrook on Wisconsin branch of the Jukes family
- "Cold Spring Harbor: Meeting of Field Workers, June 23, 1915," notes including comments by C. Davenport, H. Laughlin, and A Rosanoff
- "Large family" winner, Fitter Families Contest, Eastern States Exposition, Springfield, MA (1925): Fitter families Examination
- "Large family" winner, Fitter Families Contest, Eastern States Exposition, Springfield, MA (1925): National intelligence tests
- "Large family" winner, Fitter Families Contest, Eastern States Exposition, Springfield, MA (1925): Abridged record of family traits
- "Average family" winner, Fitter Families Contest, Eastern States Exposition, Springfield, MA (1925): family examination summary
- "Small family" winner, Fitter Families Contest, Eastern States Exposition, Springfield, MA (1925): family examination summary
- "Large family" winner, Fitter Families Contest, Texas State Fair (1925): family examination summary
- "Large family" winner, Fitter Families Contest, Texas State Fair (1925): individual examinations
- "Large family" winner, Fitter Families Contest, Texas State Fair (1925): Abridged record of family traits
- "Best couple," Fitter Families Contest, Texas State Fair (1925): family summary examination
- "Medium family" winner, Fitter Families Contest, Kansas State Free Fair (1927): family examination summary
- Fitter Families contestants at Georgia State Fair, Savannah
- "Fitter families examination, Kansas Free Fair, Topeka: Nervous and mental history
- "Floor plan Eugenics Building at Kansas Free Fair - Topeka
- "Fitter Families for Future Firesides: A report of the Eugenics Department of the Kansas Free Fair, 1920-1924"
- "School Principal and Family Take Fair Top Honors," Savannah Press
- Eugenics registry of the Race Betterment Foundation, Battle Creek, MI
- Individual analysis card, Daniel Boone
- Individual analysis card, example 1
- Individual analysis card, example 2
- Individual analysis card, example 3
- Student's eugenic case study (about sense of humor)
- Eugenics tree logo
- Blindness pedigree from the records of the Perkins Institution
- "The Direct Cost of the Socially Inadequate to New York State"
- Franklin College's response to eugenics education survey
- "The factors of evolution in man", course offered by Samuel Holmes at University of California, Berkeley
- Response on behalf of W.T. Doran to Harry E. Laughlin, about eugenics instruction survey
- University of Idaho's response to eugenics education survey
- "Eugenics seeks to improve the natural, physical, mental and tempermental qualities of the human family," Eugenics Record Office
- Eugenics Research Association 16th Annual Meeting
- Charles Davenport letter to Lucien Howe, about prizes for eugenic studies of Nordic races
- Congenital cataract pedigree
- Buck vs. Bell Supreme Court Decision
- "An act to amend the domestic relations law, in relation to prevention of hereditary blindness", New York State Senate
- "Harvard scientist wants married couples bonded," by Sam Smith, Boston Sunday Post
- "Reasons for a study of hereditary blindness," report to American Medical Association
- "The control by law of hereditary blindness"
- "The Howe Laboratory of Opthalmology," Eugenical News
- National Committee for the Prevention of Blindness
- Albinism pedigree by Charles Davenport
- Lamellar cataract pedigree by London Medical Office
- Hemophilia pedigree by Dr. Bess Lloyd
- Boat builder pedigree
- Kallikak family pedigree
- Pedigree of the Counts Tolstoy
- Pedigree of the W-- family of Indiana, a degenerate family in which one member was sterilized
- "Sample pedigree chart showing the manner of construction"
- Lucien Howe letter to Harry Laughlin about Mendel's Centennial
- Lucien Howe response to Charles Davenport and Harry Laughlin, about sterilization, marriage and blindness
- Harry Laughlin response to Lucien Howe about immigration and blindness prevention
- AMA/Eugenics Record Office survey about hereditary blindness
- Eugenics field workers meeting notes about hereditary behavior
- "Delinquent girls tested by the Binet scale," by Dr. Louise Morrow and Dr. Olga Bridgman, Reprint from The Training School
- Stanford-Binet Test, Feeblemindedness
- "The Defectives," about marriage restriction
- "Exhibit of work and educational campaign for juvenile mental defectives"
- "The burden of the feebleminded"
- "The right to be well-born," by Franklin Kirkbride
- "The Nams: feeble-minded as country dwellers," by Charles Davenport
- "Public provision for the feeble-minded," by Edward Johnstone
- "Letchworth Village: the newest state institution for the feeble-minded and epileptic," by Charles Little
- "Wild men within commuting distance," by William Dobbin, New York Tribune
- "Family living like barbarians found in New York Hills," by Margery Rex,
- Pedigree for feeblemindedness
- "The increase of criminals, mental defectives, epileptics and degenerates," Report of the Commission
- Epilepsy references
- H.F. Robbins letter to Eugenics Laboratory about marriage advice
- "Supplementary report on mentality of feebleminded children," case study by E. Bayers and F.H. Miller.
- Arthur H. Estabrook
- Lathrop Brown speech to House of Representatives about immigration
- "Abstract of the report on immigration and insanity," by The Immigration Commission
- "An appeal to friends of Scandinavian immigration"
- "Brains and the immigrant," by Melville Herskovits, The Nation
- Degenerate family pedigree
- Plant cell drawings (Reverse of image #393)
- W.M. Hays letter to Charles Davenport about inheritance in poultry
- American Breeders Association report on new eugenics section