- A.L. Treadwell, Vassar College, letter to Eugenics Record Office, about student pedigree of deafness and insanity ("queerness")
- C. Davenport letter to W.G. Stonesifer, about four brothers marrying four sisters, including newspaper article
- Karl Pearson review of R.H. Johnson paper submitted to Nature
- Student exercise on Jukes family
- A. Estabrook letter to H. Laughlin about Jukes pedigree
- Response on behalf of W.T. Doran to Harry E. Laughlin, about eugenics instruction survey
- Charles Davenport letter to Lucien Howe, about prizes for eugenic studies of Nordic races
- "Reasons for a study of hereditary blindness," report to American Medical Association
- Opthamologists responses to survey seeking support for hereditary blindness law
- Lucien Howe letter to Harry Laughlin about Mendel's Centennial
- Lucien Howe response to Charles Davenport and Harry Laughlin, about sterilization, marriage and blindness
- Harry Laughlin response to Lucien Howe about immigration and blindness prevention
- H.F. Robbins letter to Eugenics Laboratory about marriage advice
- W.M. Hays letter to Charles Davenport about inheritance in poultry
- Charles Davenport letter to Mrs. E.H. Harriman about Eugenics Record Office (7/10/1910)
- Charles Davenport letter to Mrs. E. H. Harriman about immigration
- Charles Davenport letter to Mrs. E.H. Harriman about recruitment of first class
- Mrs. E.H. Harriman letter to Charles Davenport about Eugenics Record Office (10/20/1910)
- Charles Davenport letter to Mrs. E.H. Harriman about Eugenics Record Office name
- Charles Davenport letter to Mrs. E.H. Harriman about Eugenics Record Office (9/11/1910)
- Alexander Graham Bell letter to Charles Davenport about Eugenics Record Office
- Leonard Darwin letter to Charles Davenport about sterilization
- Charles Davenport letter to Leonard Darwin about German government interest in eugenics
- Letter from German Society for Race Hygiene to Leonard Darwin about International Commission for Eugenics
- Charles Davenport response to Soren Hanson about eugenics
- Charles Davenport letter to T.H. Morgan about American Breeders' Association symposium
- T.H. Morgan letter to Charles Davenport requesting eugenics information
- P.T. Walden, president of the Civic Protective Association, letter to C. Davenport about race mixing
- C. Davenport response to P. T. Walden about race mixing
- H. Laughlin's first letter to C. Davenport, about breeding chickens
- H. Laughlin letter to C. Davenport about the financial difficulties of the "Eugenical News"
- Acceptance from Airslie owners to opening of Station of Experimental Evolution, June 11, 1904
- W. Bateson letter to C. Davenport congratulating him on Station of Experimental Evolution
- W. Bateson letter to C. Davenport about eugenics and T. H. Morgan
- (Eugenic Record Office) Director letter to John Allen about participating in a study of the inheritance of musical ability
- H.B. Webster letter to L.F. Barker, about two Maine families
- Letter from Field Secretary, American Eugenics Association to Fair Associations asking education exhibit space
- "Membership campaign" by Field Secretary, American Eugenics Society about how to recruit new members and answer questions
- H. Muller letter to R. Johnson accepting Texas chairmanship of American Eugenics Society
- C. Davenport letter to L. Whitney about judging sermons
- O. S. Davis letter to L. Whitney about Davenport's sermon judging
- C. Davenport response to B. Winslow, about various conditions -- dwarfism
- Arthur Sweetzer letter and family history to C. Davenport (?), about tall stature
- C. Davenport response to A. Sweetzer, about tall stature
- Second C. Davenport response to A. Sweetzer, about tall stature
- C. Davenport letter to R. Roy, about albinism
- R. Roy letter to C. Davenport, about albinism
- G. Huber letter to C. Davenport, about albinism
- R. Roy and J. Kuhn letter to C. Davenport, about albinism
- C. Davenport response to R. Roy, about albinism
- C. Metz letter to H. Laughlin, about albinism
- H. Laughlin letter to C. Metz, about albinism
- H. Laughlin letter to Walsh, about albinism
- W. Todd letter to L Frank, about x-ray study of children
- L. Frank response to W. Todd, about x-ray study
- W. Todd letter to L. Frank about "selling" research project to Brush Foundation
- C. M. Goethe letter to J. Eddy, about German collection of eugenic data
- C. M. Goethe letter about French and German eugenics laws
- H. Laughlin's letter to C. Holmgren recommending C. Davenport for Nobel Prize
- A. Johnson letter to H. Laughlin about presenting prison data before Committee on Immigration
- Martin Dies form letter response to supporters of his radio address on deportation
- C. M. Goethe letter to the Press about high Mexican birthrates, includes quote: "Peons multiply like rabbits"
- H. Laughlin letter to Hon. L. Douglas, about census bill and necessary ammendments
- L.C. Dunn letter to President Merriam, about eugenics in the U. S. and in Germany
- H. Laughlin draft of letter to Carniegie Insitution of Washington President J.C. Merriam, defending his lobbying for immigration restriction in Cuba
- G. von Hoffmann letter to H. Laughlin in praise of his goals on sterilization
- Letter asking about heredity of cleft lip and palate
- H. Laughlin letter in response to question about heredity of cleft lip and palate
- H.S. Jennings letter to Science, about H. Laughlin's work on immigration
- I. Fisher letter to H. Laughlin about E. Cheever's attack on Laughlin's analysis on immigration
- H. Laughlin's letter to I. Fisher in response to E. Cheever's criticisms of Laughlin's views on immigration
- C. Davenport letter to L. Barker about E. Cheever's criticisms of H. Laughlin's views on immigration
- Rep. A. Johnson cable to H. Laughlin about appointing him as an agent of immigration
- H. Harley correspondence with H. Laughlin about people who have been disqualified for suretyship on criminal bonds
- Tesla letter to H. Laughlin about his genius pedigree
- C. Davenport letter to Babbott, author of "The Senate is Still Nordic"
- Browning Arms Company letter to H. Laughlin about research study on immigration
- W. Williams letter to H. Laughlin about research study on immigration
- H. Laughlin response to W. Williams about the research study on immigration
- G. Howard letter to H. Laughlin about research study on immigration
- H. Laughlin letter to O. Underwood, about European racial descent of Underwood
- H. Laughlin letter to Senator Ernst, about Ernst's failure to respond to Senator survey
- Data for Lawrence Phipps, in response to H. Laughlin's study on racial descent of U.S. senators
- C. Bruce letter to H. Laughlin objecting to the racial descent study of U.S. senators
- H. Laughlin response to C. Bruce's objections to the racial descent study of U.S. senators
- H. Laughlin's letter to Baltimore Sun about getting data on C. Bruce for racial descent study of U.S. senators
- H. Laughlin letter to C. Schneider acknowledging honorary degree from the University of Heidelberg
- German letter from Heidelberg about H. Laughlin's honorary degree
- Invitation to Harry Laughlin to attend the 550th Jubilee of University of Heidelberg (at which he was conferred an honorary degree).
- H. Laughlin's graduate school report from Iowa State College
- T. Roosevelt letter to C. Davenport about "degenerates reproducing"
- I. McDougle letter to A. Estabrook, about research on mixed race marriages for Mongrel Virginians (5/3/1924)
- W. Plecker letter to anonymous, warning that registry of mixed race families would be scrutinized under the Viriginia Racial Integrity Act (7/29/1924)
- W. Plecker letters to A. Estabrook, about court case of a Colored woman who attempted to "pass for white" on marriage license (8/29/1924, 9/9/1924)
- I. McDougle letter to A. Estabrook, about new studies of race mixing in Virginia and need to rush publication of their own work (7/5/1925)
- A. Strode letter to H. Laughlin, requesting a deposition on hereditary feeblmindedness for the trial of Carrie Buck in Amherst, Virginia (9/30/1924)
- A. Strode letter to A. Estabrook, plans for making "preliminary investigations" prior to testifying at the Carrie Buck trial (1/6/1924)
- O.F. Lewis (NY Prison Association) letter to A.H. Estabrook, congratulating him on the publication of The Jukes in 1915 (10/26/1916)
- G. Hall (NY State Board of Charities) letter to A.H. Estabrook, about The Jukes in 1915 and genetic vs. environmental causes of pauperism (1/30/1917)
- E.R. Evans (Child Placing Agency) letter to A. Estabrook, about the Nam lineage of an adopted child (1/31/1917)
- A. Estabrook response to E.R. Evans, about the "possible inheritance of eroticism" in adopted child VI 89 of the Nam lineage (2/17/1917)
- E.R. Evans letter to A. Estabrook, providing information about the Nam family child placed in foster care (2/14/1917)
- Albert F. Blakeslee memo about procedures for answering mail after closure of the Eugenics Record Office
- American Eugenics Society, membership drive materials (cover letter to Albert Blakeslee, prospect list, and form letter)
- Eugenics Research Association, notice of special meeting to change name to Association for Research in Human Heredity
- Eugenics Record Office memo to instructors about using ERO trait forms for "required laboratory work in biology, sociology, and psychology"
- Eugenics Record Office memo to high school teachers about conducting student pedigree studies in science classes
- Harry H. Laughlin form letter requesting pedigree information from relatives of a family that had submitted a family study
- T.J. Harris letter to C.B. Davenport, about hereditary genius (4/5/1934)
- C.B. Davenport response to T.J. Harris, about hereditary genius (4/6/1934)