- Field worker report on dementia praecox (schizophrenia) at King's Park Hospital, by Laura Teitelbaum
- "Cousin Marriage," student report
- "Consanguinity," student report, example 1
- "Consanguinity," student report, example 2
- Case study of Buster, 10-month old "offspring of crime and insanity," cover letter and photos documenting his rehabilitation over 10 years
- British House of Commons Bill on Inebriates, inscribed to H. Laughlin
- "Data collected by Miss Devitt, May and Nov. 1915," Eugenics Records Office fieldworker
- "Jukes: Information collected by M. T. Curial" for A.H. Estabrook on Wisconsin branch of the Jukes family
- "Cold Spring Harbor: Meeting of Field Workers, June 23, 1915," notes including comments by C. Davenport, H. Laughlin, and A Rosanoff
- "Fitter Families for Future Firesides: A report of the Eugenics Department of the Kansas Free Fair, 1920-1924"
- "The control by law of hereditary blindness"
- Owen Adair letter to Oregon physicians, about bill requiring doctor's certification for marriage license
- Eugenics field workers meeting notes about hereditary behavior
- "The increase of criminals, mental defectives, epileptics and degenerates," Report of the Commission
- "Supplementary report on mentality of feebleminded children," case study by E. Bayers and F.H. Miller.
- American Breeders Association report on new eugenics section
- "Eugenics, a subject for investigation rather than instruction," American Breeders Association Eugenics Section
- American Breeders Association 8th Annual Meeting resolution to form permanent committee on immigration (with hand-written draft)
- "Project for cooperation between Bureau of Industry and Immigration and Eugenics Record Office"
- Minutes of the first meeting of directors of Eugenics Record Office
- Charles Davenport note on information sources for ERO
- Eulogy on death of Mrs. Harriman
- "The New Virginia Law to Preserve Racial Integrity," by W. A. Plecker, Virginia Health Bulletin (vol. 16:2)
- "Race crossing in man," by C. Davenport
- Photos from "Race crossing in man," by C. Davenport
- "Notes on the history of the Eugenics Record Office"
- "Materials for race improvement," page from C. Davenport's notebook
- Minutes of the Eugenics Records Office's first board of directors' meeting
- "The system of indexing traits used at Eugenics Records Office"
- "Acquired or inherited? A eugenical comedy in four acts," play written by P. Laughlin, F. Danielson and H. Laughlin
- "Minutes of meeting of Commitee on Immigration of the Eugenics Research Association"
- "Gifts received by the Station for Experimental Evolution, May 1, 1904 to Oct. 1, 1905"
- Case study in sex immorality
- Case study of eroticism, example 1
- Case study of eroticism, example 2
- Case study of eroticism, example 3
- "Proposed intineraries" of state fairs
- Assessment of families at Battle Creek Fitter Families contest
- Results from Waco Fitter Families contest
- Sermon #2: Eugenics, AES Sermon Contest 1926, #2
- Sermon #19 Exerpt, AES Sermon Contest 1926, #2
- Sermon #36 exerpt: "Eugenics," AES Sermon Contest 1926, #4
- Sermon #40 exerpt: "For Our Children's Sake, the Evangel of Eugenics," AES Sermon Contest 1926, #4
- Sermon #42 exerpt: "Eugenics," AES Sermon Contest 1926, #5
- Sermon #43: "Religion and Eugenics"
- Sermon #56: Religion and Eugenics AES Sermon Contest 1927, #6
- Sermon #57 exerpt: "Eugenics", AES Sermon Contest 1927, #7
- "Summary of the discussion at the conference on education and eugenics"
- "Summary of the round table conference held at the New York Academy of Medicine," about the eugenical implications on medical work
- "Radiographic study of physical growth in children," by T. Wingate Todd
- Brush Foundation motion, about W. Todd's research
- "Primary objects of the proposed investigation," research outline to Brush Foundation, by Wingate Todd
- "P. G," about German eugenics
- H. Laughlin document to Hon. L. Douglas, "A needed amendment to Census Bill: 1929"
- "Laboratory work of eugenics class," field worker notes
- "Qualities desired in a eugenical field worker"
- Syllabus of lectures given to field workers
- Handwritten cover to Congressional testimony 1920-24, about immigration
- "Clinic in human heredity" proposal by H. Laughlin
- "Sample clinical cases" that can be used in eugenics research
- "Delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787"
- Mendel's Law Poem, by Joseph DeJarnette, MD, witness in Buck vs. Bell case
- Mongrel Virginians: The Win Tribe, by A.H. Estabrook and I.E. McDougle, typescript corresponding to pp16-19 of book, w/ hand-written pseudonyms
- Interview on race mixing for Mongrel Virginians, by Ivan McDougle and Gwendolyn Watson (April 24, 1924)
- "Proposed Clinic of Human Heredity," a plan prepared by Harry H. Laughlin as the basis for negotiations with the Carnegie Institution of Washington
- "Theory of Ancestral Contributions in Heredity," handwritten manuscript by Karl Pearson, published in Proceedings of the Royal Society (vol. 81:547)
- "Albinism in Man: A Monograph (Part 1)," handwritten manuscript by Karl Pearson, with E. Nettleship and C.H. Usher, published in 1911
- "Will of Francis Galton, dated 14 Feb. 1830," created two days before his eighth birthday and witnessed by family members
- Francis Galton's graph of his own body temperature during an illness, including notes on symptoms and sleeping
- Francis Galton's comparison of his own physical characteristics with those of W.E. Gladstone (British Member of Parliament and Prime Minister)
- Francis Galton's rough-bound notes for biographies in Hereditary Genius, selected pages including Aristotle and Francis Bacon
- Anthropometric measurements of the human profile, Francis Galton notebook
- Handwritten proposal for issuing "eugenic certificates" to physically and mentally superior men aged 23-30, by Francis Galton
- Manuscript of the "Eugenic College of Kantsaywhere," by Francis Galton (title page and page with a definition of "genetic")
- Francis Galton's handwritten analysis of fingerprints of Jewish boys from Tavistock House and Hanway Street School
- Minutes of Eugenics Records Office (London) Advisory Meeting (10/30/1905)
- "Is Our National Intelligence Declining?" L.S. Penrose, Opening Session of 5th Biennial Conference on Mental Health (1/12/39)
- "Is our national intelligence declining? The genetic point of view." L.S. Penrose
- Carl Correns notes on Mendel's analysis of dominant and recessive charateristics in peas (4/16/1896)
- Morris Steggerda's handwritten directions for administering Form Discrimination Tests conducted at Mico College for Race Crossing in JamaicaC
- Morris Steggerda's handwritten results of Form Discrimination Tests conducted at Mico College for Race Crossing in Jamaica
- Morris Steggerda's handwritten note about music tests conducted at Mico College for Race Crossing in Jamaica
- "A Person who writes Backwards," handwritten report with photo and writing samples, conducted in Jamaica by Morris Steggerda
- Shortwood College anthropometric case: Binet Test, conducted by Morris Steggerda for Race Crossing in Jamaica